
Basic Usage

CLI help docs for xmm:

usage: xmm [-h] [--version] [-S [SERVER]] [-T [TARGET]] [-R [REPOSITORY]]

Xonotic Map Manager is a tool to help manage Xonotic maps

positional arguments:
    search              search for maps based on bsp names
    install             install a map from the repository, or specify a URL.
    remove              remove based on pk3 name
    discover            discover packages in a target directory
    list                list locally installed packages
    show                show details of remote or locally installed packages
    export              export locally managed packages to a file
    servers             subcommands on servers described in servers.json
    repos               subcommands on repos described in sources.json
    update              update sources json
    hello               hello is an example plugin

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -S [SERVER], --server [SERVER]
                        target server as defined in servers.json
  -T [TARGET], --target [TARGET]
                        target directory
  -R [REPOSITORY], --repository [REPOSITORY]
                        repository to use (defaults to all available)


by bsp name:

xmm search snowdance
Searching for packages with the following criteria:
bsp: snowdance

snowdance2.pk3 [snowdance2]

snowdance_xon.pk3 [snowdance2]
Total packages found: 2

with pk3 name and detailed results:

xmm search --pk3 bloodrage_v2.pk3 --long
Using repo 'default'
Searching for packages with the following criteria:
pk3: bloodrage_v2.pk3

         pk3: bloodrage_v2.pk3
         bsp: bloodrage_v2
       title:  Bloodrage
 description:  Small, brutal and violent 1on1 map
      author:  Cortez and FruitieX
      shasum: 488b05976e73456bf6f9833e353f72d3a8d0cbce
      shasum: bloodrage_v2.pk3
        date: 2009-10-17
        size: 1MB
Total packages found: 1

Inline help is available on all sub-commands:

xmm search -h
usage: xmm search [-h] [--gametype [GAMETYPE]] [--pk3 [PK3]] [--title [TITLE]]
                  [--author [AUTHOR]] [--shasum [SHASUM]] [--long] [--short]

positional arguments:
  string                bsp name found in a package, works on packages with
                        many bsps

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gametype [GAMETYPE]
                        filter by gametype
  --pk3 [PK3]           filter by pk3 name
  --title [TITLE]       filter by title
  --author [AUTHOR]     filter by author
  --shasum [SHASUM]     filter by shasum
  --long, -l            show long format
  --short, -s           show short format
  --color, -c           highlight search term in results

Installing from the repository

Installing a new pk3:

xmm install snowdance_xon.pk3
Installing map: snowdance_xon.pk3
...100%, 5 MB, 2438 KB/s, 2 seconds passed. Done.

You will be prompted to overwrite an existing pk3:

xmm install snowdance_xon.pk3
Installing map: snowdance_xon.pk3
snowdance_xon.pk3 already exists.
continue? [y/N] N

You cannot install a pk3 that doesn’t existent in the repo:

Installing map: fake.pk3
package does not exist in the repository. cannot install.

Example below is also showing the use of curl instead of python’s urllib if you prefer:

xmm install
Adding map:
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 5530k  100 5530k    0     0   205k      0  0:00:26  0:00:26 --:--:--  179k

You can install from any URL (buy lack detailed meta information about maps):

xmm install
Adding map:
...100%, 5 MB, 2438 KB/s, 2 seconds passed. Done.


Remove a map:

xmm remove snowdance2.pk3
Removing map: snowdance2.pk3

You cannot remove a map that doesn’t exist:

xmm remove snowdance2.pk3
Removing package: snowdance_xon.pk3
package does not exist or is not tracked. try removing using full path if not tracked.


You can pulled additional meta information about pk3s and verify their shasums against the repo with the discover command.

A summary of discovered packages:

xmm -S myserver1 discover

sxb1_testing_6.pk3 [sxb1_-1, sxb1_-2, sxb1_-3, sxb1_1-1, sxb1_1-2, sxb1_1-3, sxb1_1-4, sxb1_2-1, sxb1_2-2, sxb1_2-3, sxb1_2-4, sxb1_3-1, sxb1_3-2, sxb1_3-3, sxb1_3-4, sxb1_4-1, sxb1_4-2, sxb1_4-3, sxb1_4-4, sxb1_5-1, sxb1_5-2, sxb1_5-3, sxb1_5-4, sxb1_6-1, sxb1_6-2, sxb1_6-3, sxb1_6-4, sxb1_7-1, sxb1_7-2, sxb1_7-3, sxb1_7-4, sxb1_8-1, sxb1_8-2, sxb1_8-3, sxb1_8-4]

bloodprisonctf.pk3 [bloodprisonctf]
bloodprisonctf.pk3 hash does not match repository's

gasoline_02.pk3 [gasoline_02, gasoline_3teams_02, gasoline_4teams_02, gasoline_noteams_02]

testie3.pk3 [testie3]

map-derail_v1r5.pk3 [derail_v1r5]
map-derail_v1r5.pk3 hash does not match repository's

disarray_v1r2.pk3 [disarray_v1r2]

eggandscrambled.pk3 [eggandscrambled]

Add discovered maps:

xmm -S myserver1 discover --add

List Map Packages

simple list:

xmm list

gasoline_02.pk3 [gasoline_02, gasoline_3teams_02, gasoline_4teams_02, gasoline_noteams_02]

dance.pk3 [dance]

Total packages found: 2

detailed list:

xmm list -l

         pk3: gasoline_02.pk3
         bsp: gasoline_02
       title:  Gasoline Powered
 description:  Retextured and glowy
      author:  FruitieX, Kid, Mario
         bsp: gasoline_3teams_02
       title:  Gasoline Powered
 description:  Retextured and glowy with 3 teams
      author:  FruitieX, Kid, Mario, Freddy
         bsp: gasoline_4teams_02
       title:  Gasoline Powered
 description:  Retextured and glowy with 4 teams
      author:  FruitieX, Kid, Mario
         bsp: gasoline_noteams_02
       title:  Gasoline Powered - Teamless
 description:  Retextured and glowy
      author:  FruitieX, Kid, Mario
      shasum: 099b0cc16fe998e5e29893dbecd5673683a5b69d
        date: 2015-10-17
        size: 14MB

         pk3: dance.pk3
         bsp: dance
       title:  <TITLE>
 description:  <DESCRIPTION>
      author:  <AUTHOR>
      shasum: ef00d43838430b2d1673f03bbe1440eef100ece6
        date: 2008-03-16
        size: 7MB

Total packages found: 3

Show Map Package Details


xmm show dance.pk3



xmm show dance.pk3 -l

         pk3: dance.pk3
         bsp: dance
       title: <TITLE>
 description: <DESCRIPTION>
      author: <AUTHOR>
      shasum: ef00d43838430b2d1673f03bbe1440eef100ece6
        date: 2008-03-16
        size: 7MB


You can export local maps from your library, or maps from a repository in different formats:

usage: xmm export [-h] [--format {json,shasums}] {local,repos} [filename]

positional arguments:
  {local,repos}         what context to export?
  filename              filename to export to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {json,shasums}, -f {json,shasums}

For example, export a maplist to a map-repo-friendly json format:

% xmm export local test.json -f json
% cat test.json
[{"mapinfo": ["maps/dance.mapinfo"], "date": 1205715512, "title": "<TITLE>", "radar": [], "waypoints": [], "gametypes": ["ctf", "dm", "lms", "arena"], "mapshot": ["maps/dance.jpg"], "description": "<DESCRIPTION>", "shasum": "ef00d43838430b2d1673f03bbe1440eef100ece6", "filesize": 7468410, "pk3": "dance.pk3", "map": ["maps/"], "author": "<AUTHOR>", "license": false, "bsp": {"dance": {"entities": {"item_cells": 14, "item_bullets": 14, "info_player_team1": 10, "item_rockets": 16, "info_player_team2": 11, "item_invincible": 1, "weapon_hagar": 2, "item_flag_team1": 1, "weapon_electro": 2, "item_health_medium": 14, "item_health_small": 20, "weapon_machinegun": 2, "item_strength": 1, "weapon_vortex": 3, "item_armor_small": 19, "weapon_devastator": 2, "item_flag_team2": 1, "weapon_grenadelauncher": 2}}}}]%

Or a list of pk3s and their respective shasums:

xmm export repos -f shasums
tail all-repos-maps.json.shasums
d88957aeff231471453f41e8ab2dad326b1875b2 acrossanocean12.pk3
e3059ee1979985151fade8b0d317422dc71ec9bb cloisterctf_vehicles.pk3
3f15789118762f469c9179f8f799747dced948cb dastower_vehicles.pk3
5af57ca19b69560cd9b00f67cbbb7ee4526bc8ac duster_mod_01.pk3
e06724125a3438a23bad4f0d3ec3b6a5ce89666a greatwall_remix_vehicles.pk3
abc9e153c37784563e4e3c2669cc88af05649399 ons-reborn_vehicles.pk3


List servers with xmm servers list:

xmm servers list


List repositories with xmm repos list:

xmm repos list


Get the latest list of maps from the repository:

xmm update
Updating sources json.
...100%, 7 MB, 2559 KB/s, 3 seconds passed. Done.

Advanced Usage

Multi-server support

xmm can facilitate the management of multiple servers with a ~/.xmm/servers.json file to configure their settings, example below:

  "myserver1": {
    "target_dir": "~/.xonotic/myserver1/data/",
    "library": "~/.xmm/myserver1/library.json",
    "sources": "~/.xmm/sources.json"
  "myserver2": {
    "target_dir": "~/.xonotic/myserver2/data/",
    "library": "~/.xmm/myserver2/library.json",
    "sources": "~/.xmm/myserver2/sources.json"

An example is available in ./config/example.servers.json

To use these servers, use the -S flag to target the server:

xmm -S myserver1 install dance.pk3
xmm -S myserver1 list
xmm -S myserver1 remove dance.pk3

Multi-repository support

xmm can use multiple repositories, edit the ~/.xmm/sources.json file to configure them, example below:

  "default": {
    "download_url": "",
    "api_data_file": "~/.xmm/maps.json",
    "api_data_url": ""

An example is available in ./config/example.sources.json

To use these servers, use the -R flag to target the server:

xmm -R myrepo install dance.pk3
xmm -R myrepo list
xmm -R myrepo remove dance.pk3

Targeting Directories

Sometimes you may want to install a package to an arbitrary directory:

xmm -T /path/to/directory/ install dance.pk3


This install will not be tracked in the library.