

The defaults should work out of the box, if you want to make changes, edit the ~/.xmm.ini file.

# This file is read from ~/.xmm.ini, make sure that's where you are editing it

# Where should xmm manage maps?
target_dir = ~/.xonotic/data/

# Default repo if no sources specified
download_url =
api_data_url =
api_data_file = ~/.xmm/maps.json

# This is only preference
use_curl = False

# configuration of servers to use with multiple servers
servers_config = ~/.xmm/servers.json

# configuration of repositories
sources_config = ~/.xmm/sources.json


Logging can be configured in ~/.xmm/xmm.logging.ini, again, the defaults should be sufficient.

# ~/.xmm/xmm.logging.ini
keys = root

level    = NOTSET
handlers = stream, info

keys = stream, info

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stdout,)
level = ERROR
formatter = generic

class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
formatter = generic
level = DEBUG
args = ('%(log_filename)s', 'a', 50000000, 5)

class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
formatter = generic
level = INFO
args = ('%(log_filename)s', 'a', 50000000, 5)

keys = generic

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] [%(threadName)s] %(message)s
datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
class = logging.Formatter


xmm can facilitate the management of multiple servers with ~/.xmm/servers.json which defines the configure of settings, example below:

  "myserver1": {
    "target_dir": "~/.xonotic/myserver1/data/",
    "library": "~/.xmm/myserver1/library.json",
    "sources": "~/.xmm/sources.json"
  "myserver2": {
    "target_dir": "~/.xonotic/myserver2/data/",
    "library": "~/.xmm/myserver2/library.json",
    "sources": "~/.xmm/myserver2/sources.json"


xmm can use multiple repositories, edit the ~/.xmm/sources.json file to configure them, example below:

  "default": {
    "download_url": "",
    "api_data_file": "~/.xmm/maps.json",
    "api_data_url": ""